Safe weight loss and long-term result maintenance

The major reasons for weight gain and obesity are:

• overeating
• unbalanced eating
• bad eating habits
• hypo dynamics
• metabolism violations
• genetic predisposition

To lose weight safely and maintain the achieved results the following factors should be taken into

1. Be patient. It takes many years to gain weight. It also takes many years for the eating habits to be formed, so you
need to be patient: you will need several months to achieve your goal of lose weight and maintaining the results.
2. Changing eating habits. Customers often cherish an idea of "attacking the extra weight". Such attacks usually
start on Monday and are over by Friday and have nothing in common with such deep processes as changing the eating
habits and metabolism. To change eating habits you need to strictly follow the weight loss program for a period
of between 90 and 120 days. During this period your "work" together with your consultant, this is the key to your
3. The consultant’s help. The majority of people willing to lose weight and keep the results, require the help of a
specialist or consultant. Lack of such support results in their quitting the diet.
4. The length of the weight loss period. Optimal average monthly weight loss is 3-5 kg. If you have 30 kg of extra
weight, you will have to use the weight loss program for at least 6 months.
5. The length of the weight maintenance period. After you have lost weight, you need to learn how to control it.
To do this, you have to use the weight maintenance program for another 6 months without getting back to your old
eating habits. Weigh yourself weekly and be in touch with your consultant. The weight maintenance program will
allow your body to "forget" its old weight and "remember" the new weight and the new eating habits.
6. The success formula. To lose all the extra weight successfully and keep the results, you need to be patient and
use the following formula:

Excess weight divided by 5 kilos a month = the number of months
required of following the weight loss program.
The same period of time is necessary for keeping your results,
by using the weight management program
Example: you have 20 kilos of extra weight. You need an average of four months to lose your extra weight and another 4 months to maintain your results.

These recommendations will assist you in losing extra weight, in changing your eating habits, in
learning how to control your weight and in the ability to feel great and never gain weight again.

-Excerpts from  The Distributor Guide
by Eli Nakhum, Michael Cole & Leon Waisbein
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